
Monday, 12 May 2014

Only Nike know how

Nike being one of the super giants in the street-wear business are keen to buck all trends. By refusing to let the preconceptions of what a launch party should entail, on 26th March they managed to create a worldwide legacy for their “Air Max” trainers.

Using the 27th anniversary of the revolutionary trainers as a platform, Nike declared 26th March “ Worldwide Air Max Day”, sparking global celebrations of all forms of the bubble encompassed profile.

The celebrations beginning in the East, most notably a monumental event in Shanghai, based in an oversized Nike shoebox as the venue, the party included Dj’s, a special guest-list of China’s biggest Nike fans and of course the focal point being the new Air Max 1 Birthday edition trainers. Singapore based artist “SBTG” specifically customized several pairs of the limited trainers for display during the event. The event kicked up quite a stir amongst the Asian street-wear press with nearly every blog or website giving the launch a mention in some form.

Likewise in L.A parties had been planned. Street-wear giants “Undefeated” also wanting to get in on the hype of Air Max day hosted an exclusive party inviting only completion winners as V.I.P guests. The competition encouraged local trainer enthusiasts to post pictures of them wearing their Air Max, using the punch line “SHOW US HOW YOU WEAR YOUR AIR”. The most creative photos were selected as winners certifying the events attendees were the most devout of Air Max fans. The Word spread quickly and the hash tag was continuously used long after the event had finished.

Closer to home, Air Max fever also swept Britain’s independent sneaker shops that were hosting impromptu parties for local enthusiasts. Instagram and twitter again were both awash with pictures of people’s favourite Air Max designs spreading the word of Air Max day far and wide, completing a truly global launch party that is no doubt set to become an annual event.

By successfully capturing the imagination of their customers, skilfully building on the legacy of the trainer and using their global social media platform they managed to transform a launch party into an international trainer based holiday.

It goes without saying the limited edition release sold-out globally in less than 24 hours……

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